Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Baby Stepping

Rhett is going to physical therapy sessions twice a week and I'm happy to report that they no longer lead to tears! Those first workouts are the worst (for Mom and Rhett)!

Sometimes we do regular workouts and sometimes he gets to workout at the pool, which he loves. He keeps telling his therapist, "Take your hands off me. I want to swim." I'm glad his therapist is a big, strong man because Rhett stands even taller now that his legs are not twisted. At home, Rhett spends time in his stander and also uses the walker on and off. His favorite thing he can do again is stand right by the stereo and dance all by himself.

The best part is we get to see improvement every single day. I'm glad it's coming so quickly for him. Next month he will begin riding horses again and that's a killer workout for him, plus he loves taking care of the horses.